
Monday, December 28, 2009

 A new bow shaped Sardonyx bead from China. approx 44 mm x 16 mm

A new round agate eye bead from China. diameter approx 23 mm

Natural chalcedony from the Gobi Desert.

Ancient bow shaped agate bead. 30.10 mm x 16.17 mm

Thursday, December 24, 2009

An ancient Phum dZi with a zone of crystalline quartz. The process of treating agate to alter or enhance the colour leaves the crystalline areas unaffected. 28.75 mm x 12 mm

Friday, December 18, 2009

These are more recently created carnelian beads from India and are likely to be less than 20 years old. Similar beads are typically passed off as antique Pema Raka. To the untraind eye it can often be hard to tell them apart.  Smallest bead measures 35 x 22 mm

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Phurba or Kila Thogchag 77.45 mm x 8.97 mm

A strand of ancient (some may be antique) carnelians. Sourced in Nepal.

Ancient carnelian beads. Sourced in Nepal.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A collection of antique Thokcha or Thogchags. The largest piece represents Vajrapani or Chagna Dorje in his wrathful form. Vajrapani was the main recipient of the tantras from Shakyamuni Buddha. measures approx 88 mm x 60 mm.