
Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Chong or Chung dZi - Is it a Lesser dZi?


Photo: Ancient Chong dZi 

Tibetan Buddhism and the pre-Buddhist Bön religion have been practiced by Tibetans and people of the Himalayas since ancient times. Even today these traditions are still very much alive and they continue to play an essential role within Tibet and the Himalayan regions. The wearing of amulets and prized beads continues to be an important aspect of these traditions. Ancient dZi beads in particular, have long been sought after to protect the wearer from all manner of misfortune and ill health. This also includes protection from unseen forces that might disrupt or harm ones progress to enlightenment.

The name Chung dZi (say it like Choong), which can mean lesser (as in 'less desirable') or small, might suggest that these beads are not as highly regarded as other types of dZi. This certainly does seem to be the most widely held belief outside of the Himalayan regions (mostly held by Western bead collectors), however, it is doubtful this is entirely accurate as we shall see.

Ancient agate beads imported into the Himalayan regions, via established trade and pilgrimage routes, were possibly viewed as being inferior to the already much prized 'pure' dZi. Or perhaps they simply had a different use and meaning that in modern times is not so well understood? Pure dZi or 'original' dZi beads are elevated to a divine status and imported beads such as Chong are not necessarily seen in quite the same way. However, with the passage of time, Chong beads have been adopted and recognised by Tibetans as a type of 'ancient' dZi bead. This has also led to Chong being traded widely and used as amulets. They are also highly valued for personal adornment and are often seen being worn and showcased at special festivals. Their widespread adoption is also supported by the fact that they are considerably more affordable than pure dZi beads with eye motifs and other decorations. Chong are also ground up and used as a special ingredient in Tibetan medicine and therefore they were a valuable commodity in ancient times just as they are today.

If pronounced like CHONG it allows us a much more accurate understanding of this name. Rather than meaning 'less desirable' or 'small' (Chung), it refers to a specific type of stone material. In this case it is agate or chalcedony and sometimes it is translated as onyx or crystal. A Tibetan doctor would use the name Chong dZi to refer to a special type of 'ancient' agate/chalcedony that has unique healing properties. A Chong dZi is believed to have the power to cure paralysis for example. So I personally believe (having discussed this with numerous native Tibetan speakers) that saying it like CHONG is the closest pronunciation of this Tibetan name. In fact the Wylie transliteration is 'mchong', so it is clear that saying it like Choong is mistaken.

Beads that are commonly recognised as Chong dZi are clearly distinguishable from other types of beads within the dZi family. Tibetans basically believe that there are supernatural beads (not made from a gemstone of this earth - such as pure dZi with eyes for example) and there are also beads that were created by bead makers in ancient times from agate or chalcedony (Chong dZi). Tibetans attribute the name Chong to virtually any ancient agate bead (not regarded as pure) and all are held with high regard. Some of the most amazing Chong dZi are located in the Jokhang temple (which houses Tibet's most sacred statue). These beads are visually stunning and extremely large (significantly larger than any pure dZi) and they are obviously valued as a very precious offering. It therefore makes very little sense to call these beads 'small' or 'less desirable'. 


 Photo: The Jowo Buddha housed inside the Jokhang Temple

Chong dZi are not to be confused with 'pure' dZi. 

The most prized pure dZi are generally beads with eyes or unusual decorations. A pure dZi may or may not have eyes but it should always display some form of decoration or motif on the surface. Beads that only display equatorial stripes are called Chong dZi. A pure dZi can be opaque or partially translucent (the translucent beads are usually valued lower). The most sought after base colour is usually an opaque dark brown to black. I personally do not like to use the label 'pure' even though Tibetans make this distinction. I like to view each dZi as having its own unique qualities, however, it is important to recognise the different varieties within the dZi family. Ancient eye dZi seem to be found mainly in Tibet and the Himalayan regions, however, there are many similar beads (but not the same) that are also found in other parts of Asia. These beads have made their way to Tibet through trade and pilgrimage routes and over time the Tibetans have also adopted them as a type of dZi bead.

Photo: Ancient Sakor Namkor (displays one eye/circle and a square on the reverse)

The bead above is an example of a pure dZi. These beads have a distinct quality that distinguishes them from other decorated agates. It is important to recognise that there are other ancient beads that resemble the pure dZi (see the diamond eye dZi below), however, these beads are regarded by Tibetans as a 'special' type of Chong dZi. These decorated 'translucent' agates have found their way into Tibet and are also prized, yet they are clearly of a different quality and manufacture. Similar beads to the one below are said to be found in Afghanistan or Western Asia and are actually not so common. As these beads are so close in appearance to pure dZi, they are considered by Tibetans to be amongst the most valuable type of Chong. They can even be more expensive than a pure dZi if they have rare decorations. These beads are also believed to be ancient, however, there is still little known about their exact age or place of manufacture.

Photo: A diamond eye Chong dZi (this and similar beads
are regarded by Tibetans as a special type of Chong dZi)

The image below is a small example of what a 'Tibetan' would label and recognise as being a type of Chong dZi. Some of these beads are also known by different and perhaps more commercial names. An example of this is the ancient round agates (Bead no.2), which are now commonly known as Bhaisajyaguru, Suleimani or Soloman beads. The name Bhaisajyaguru (the sanskrit name for the Medicine Buddha) seems to be a more recent label given to these beads (possibly Taiwanese influence). In my experience of trading with Tibetans, they are also known as a type of Chong dZi. It is the 'decorated' agates with vertical equatorial stripes (see Chong bead at the top of this post and beads no.10, no.12, no.15 and no.17 below) that are more typically associated with Tibet and the Himalayan regions. These beads are distinct and are often much larger than other Chong dZi. They are also likely to be amongst the earliest types of ancient 'decorated' Chong beads. Undamaged specimens are now very scarce and can command high prices in the marketplace. It is now believed that many striped Chong dZi are excavated in regions of Nepal, which may indicate an ancient Nepalese bead making industry, however, this is still yet to be proven. 

The above 18 beads would be recognised as Chong
dZi types in Tibet and the Himalayan regions.

So what really is a Chong dZi?

Tibetans will give the name Chong dZi to virtually all ancient agate beads that are believed to be of man-made origin in ancient times. This means that Tibetans only view pure dZi to be of supernatural origin and uniquely Tibetan. On many occasions I have also seen Tibetans giving decorated carnelian beads (also known as etched carnelians) the name Chong dZi. So it is clear that the use of the word Chong is very loose and implies that any agate or carnelian given the name Chong is not necessarily indigenous to Tibet. Even if they have been adopted by Tibetans as a type of dZi bead they are never given quite the same status as a pure dZi.

Above: Large ancient Phum dZi, recently gold capped.

There are many different types of dZi bead. Beads known as Tasso, Taklok, Phum or Luk Mik are clearly of a different variety of dZi and some types will also be regarded as 'pure' dZi. These beads have a unique identity and they should not be confused with Chong dZi (even if they have been 'imported' in ancient times from regions outside of Tibet). There can often be a very subtle difference between ancient decorated agate types which is not always obvious to the untrained eye. This is one reason dZi beads are typically purchased from respected bead traders within the Tibetan communities. They will be specialised in their field and regarded highly for their knowledge and ability to identify authentic beads.

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